We know you guys missed us last week. And sadly we don’t have any picks from JH today–he’s at Coachella with his mom. Not joking. Does that count as shit we like? Because we really, really like it.
Week of April 20, 2018
Janelle Monae’s video for “PYNK”: Two words: pussy pants. (NH)
Branden Jacobs-Jenkins interview at Bomb: A few days ago I happened across this Branden Jacobs-Jenkins interview by Hilton Als. I saw An Octorron in 2015 and it Blew. My. Mind. I’ve seen most of his plays since (and was stoked to see that Everybody was a Pulitzer finalist) but this is the first time I’ve read a long interview with him. I’m not surprised that he started out writing fiction. If you ever return to the form, Branden, call me? (EB)